Oracle notki – export, import, DataPump, SQL Loader « Różności …

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28 grudnia 2010

Oracle notki – export, import, DataPump, SQL Loader

Zaszufladkowany do: Bazy danych,Oracle — Tagi: — Jacek @ 12:07


transportable tablespaces – importuje sie tylko metadane, a potem kopiuje pliki

DataPump (10g)

SQL Loader

exp scott tables=person,cities log=log.txt grants=n

transportable tablespaces
alter tablespace users read only;
alter tablespace data read only;
exp sys/sys tablespaces=users,data transportable_tablespace=y
skopiowac dane pliki miedzy systemami

DataPump (10g)

select directory_path from dba_directories where directory_name=’DATA_PUMP_DIR’;
expdp scott/tiger dumpfile=data_dump_dir:info.dmp nologfile=y tables=person,cities

select * from dba_datapump_jobs;
sql> create directory dp as ‘c:\expimp’;
sql> grant read,write od directory dp to public;
sql> grant exp_full_database to scott;

expdp scott/tiger full=y dumpfile=dp:full%u.dmp logfile=dp:full.log job_name=full_export

w trakcie trwania exportu mozna wcisnac CTR+C aby wejsc w tryb interaktywny i mozna dac np.: exit_client (export idzie w tlo i trwa nadal)

expdp scott/tiger full=y estimate_only=y logfile=dp:estimate_full.log job_name=estimate_full_export

SQL Loader

tworze plik: person.ctl
load data
infile ‘c:\data.txt’
into table person2
fileds terminated by “:” optionally enclosed by ‘”‘

potem uruchamiam komende:
sqlldr scott/tiger contro=person.ctl
tworze plik: person2.ctl

load data infile ‘c:\data.txt’ replace into table person2
(pid position (01:02) integer external,
first position (03:10) char,
last position (10:20) char)

tworze plik: person3.ctl

load data
infile ‘c:\data.txt’
into table person2
when city=’denver’
fileds terminated by “:” optionally enclosed by ‘”‘

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